16 July 2024 Tuesday

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

June 2, 2021- Aydın Commodity Exchange Attended The Meeting Of Turkey Commodity Exchange Inc.( TURIB) The Ordinary General Assembly

June 2, 2021- Aydın Commodity Exchange Attended The Meeting Of Turkey  Commodity Exchange Inc.( TURIB) The Ordinary General Assembly

Aydın Commodity Exchange, Parliament Speaker A.Bahri Erdel, Deputy Speaker of the Parliament Reza Uyar and Vice Chairman Cengiz Ülgen participated in Turkey Product Specialized Exchange Inc.(TURIB), the meeting of 2020 Ordinary General Assembly.

Aydın Commodity Exchange Council Chairman A.Bahri Erdel ’’ having said that they are continuing to act as the representative of the Turkish Commodities Exchange which was established in 2018 within the framework of Article 53 of Law No.5174 of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchange of Turkey, the Law No.5300 on Licensed Warehousing of Agricultural Products and the provisions of the relevant legislation so that agricultural producers and consumers of the Aydın Commodity Exchange can perform transactions at an affordable and realistic price. As part of its agency services, our Stock Exchange is a commodity Exchange that can be registered by ELUS (Electronic product document) investors and carries out the Exchange activities related to ELUS (Elektronic product document) as the agent of TURIB’’ he added.

The evaluation of 2020 was made at the TURIB Ordinary General Assembly Meeting.

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