16 July 2024 Tuesday

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

03.03.2021 Fevzi Çondur, Chairman of Aydın Commodity Exchange Attended the Normalization Process Meeting in Aydın

03.03.2021 Fevzi Çondur, Chairman of Aydın Commodity Exchange Attended the Normalization Process Meeting in Aydın

Fevzi Çondur, Aydın Commodiy Exchange attended the meeting of ''Covid-19 and Normalization Period'', organized under the leadership of Aydın Governor Hüseyin Aksoy.

After President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan announced the decisions of ''Normalization'', the latest situation of the Covid-19 pandemic in Aydın and measures to be taken with the supervision of the workplaces opened with the scope pf the controlled normalization process were discussed at the meeting chaired by Aydın Governor Hüseyin Aksoy. 


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