17 July 2024 Wednesday

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

03.06.2022 Great Visit To Istanbul Commodity Exchange, Sister, From Aydın Commodity Exchange

03.06.2022 Great Visit To Istanbul Commodity Exchange, Sister, From Aydın Commodity Exchange

Aydın Commodity Exchange Speaker A. Bahri Erdel, Vice Chairman Cengiz Ülgen, President of Assembly Rıza Uyar, Board Members Kazım Günaydın, Yakup Er, Abdülkadir Yıldız, Assembly Members Mustafa Akdam, Cihan Can, Mehmet Ali Avcu and Adem Türkmen visited Istanbul Commodity Exchange. 

During the courtesy visit, the delegation of Aydın Commodity Exchange was welcomed by Istanbul Commodity Exchange Chairman Ali Kopuz and the accompanying delegation. 

During the visit, where current economic evaluations were discussed, mutual consultations were held on the activities of Commodity Exchange. Aydın Commodity Exchange Assembly Chairman A. Bahri Erdel invited the delegation of Istanbul Commodity Exchange to Aydın Commodity Exchange's stand at the Olivia Istanbul Olive Oil Fair and National Summit, which brings together the olive and olive oil sector in Istanbul. 

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