17 July 2024 Wednesday

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

03.08.2022 The Beneficial Visit From Aydın Commodity Exchange to Izmır Governor Yavuz Selim Kosger

03.08.2022 The Beneficial Visit From Aydın Commodity Exchange to Izmır Governor Yavuz Selim Kosger

Aydın Commodity Exchange Parliament Speaker A. Bahri Erdel, Chairman of the Board Fevzi Condur, Vice Chairman Cengiz Ulgen and Assembly member Ali Cevik visited Izmır Governor Yavuz Selim Kosger in his office.      

During the visit, Chairman of the Board Fevzi Condur, briefed Izmir Governor Yavuz Selim Kosger on the activities and projcets of Aydın Commodity Exchange. Bilateral consultations were held on the current state of agricultural production in Aydın province and Aegean Region.

Fevzi Condur, stated that there was a great role of professional organization in developing cities, bringing communities and solidarity to solve the struggles against difficulties, adding the values to investment, production and exports to our country that is always ready to participate in any joint projects. 


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