16 July 2024 Tuesday

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

05.04.2021 A. Bahri Erdel, Speaker of Aydın Commodity Exchange, Attended Aydın Provincial Coordination Board Meeting

05.04.2021  A. Bahri Erdel, Speaker of Aydın Commodity Exchange, Attended Aydın Provincial Coordination Board Meeting

 Aydın Commodity Exchange Speaker A. Bahri Erdel, participated to the Aydın Provincial Coordination Board that is II. term meeting in 2021.

Aydın Provincial Coordination Board II.Term Evaluation Meeting, chaired by Aydın Governor Hüseyin Aksoy was held by video conference method within the scope of Covid-19 measures.

Investment and sectoral developments throughout Aydın were evaluated at the meeting organized by video conference method. The meeting focused on problems, solutions and discussed efforts to ensure inter-agency cooperation and coordination.


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