22 January 2025 Wednesday

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

08.01.2021 Aydın Commodity Exchange Attended to IPARD-II 10th Application Call Programme

08.01.2021 Aydın Commodity Exchange Attended to IPARD-II 10th Application Call Programme

Aydın Commodity Exchange participated in the online IPARD-II 10th Application Call Programme which is with the presence of Bekir PAKDEMIRLI Doc., Minister of Agriculture and Forestry.

TKDK programme, which began with the keynote speeches by Muhammed Adak Doc., outlines the achievements of key science technologies such as IPARD digital herd management systems, IT infrastructure and agricultural drone. Mr. Adak gave some information about the diversification of economic activity in the rural area, in agriculture and food studies.

Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Bekir PAKDEMİRLİ Doc. spoke of the importance of rural development from a poduction and human- focused standpoint. Mr. Pakdemirli explained that the country is based on multi-pronged development, aimed at on-site production, on-site processing and on site development.

Minister Pakdemirli is a producer through the Agency for Promotion of Agriculture and Rural Development under IPARD-II, aimed at supporting young entrepreneurs, increasing employment and preventing migration from the countryside to the city via quality production and investors. Mr. Pakdemirli discussed the grant packages and the IPARD contributions to local development.

Supporting for 1 billion 125M Pounds will be given under the IPARD-II 10th Application

Minister Pakdemirli stated that they aim to increase employment and develop value added production by paying the way for new investments in the countryside, '' As of today, within the sope of the IPARD-II 10th Application Call, we are offering a total package of 125m euros or 1 billion 125 million liras, to our producers, investors including 45 million euros for the animal production sector and 80 million euros for the processing-marketing sector.''

Mr. Çondur '' Development in Economy Begins with The Local''

Fevzi Çondur, Chairman of Aydın Commodity Exchange, who hopes that the grant package announced by Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Bekir Pakdemirli Doc, in the IPARD-II 10th Application Call Promotion Programme will be good and fertile for everyone, said that the development of the economy starts from the countryside. In this direction, important studies are carried out in order to develop the foods, agriculture and livestock sectors and increase productivity fro sustainable production in our province. The projects supported by our state within the scope of the rural development move are really important.

Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry