16 July 2024 Tuesday

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

08.05.2024 Visit from Aydın Commodity Exchange Assembly President A.Bahri Erdel and Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors Cengiz Ülgen to Aydın Provincial Director of National Education Süleyman Ekici

08.05.2024 Visit from Aydın Commodity Exchange Assembly President A.Bahri Erdel and Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors Cengiz Ülgen to Aydın Provincial Director of National Education Süleyman Ekici

Aydın Commodity Exchange Assembly Chairman A. Bahri Erdel and Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors Cengiz Ülgen visited Aydın Provincial Director of National Education Süleyman Ekici in his office.

During the visit, consultations were held about the projects carried out by Aydın Commodity Exchange on the basis of educational volunteerism.



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