17 July 2024 Wednesday

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

09.06.2023 Disaster Awareness Training in Workplaces was Organized at Aydın Commodity Exchange

09.06.2023   Disaster Awareness Training in Workplaces was Organized at Aydın Commodity Exchange

Aydın Commodity Exchange and AYTB Laboratory Services Inc. personnel were given "Disaster Awareness Training" by the trainers of the Provincial Disaster and Emergency Directorate of the Governorship of Aydın and an evacuation drill was carried out. AFAD Trainer gave information about AFAD Volunteering System and AFAD Emergency Mobile Application.

In the training, which was gathered under 3 main headings as measures to be taken before disasters, correct behaviors to be done during disasters and planning to be done after disasters, structural and non-structural risks, ways to reduce them, determination of meeting areas before disasters, the importance of preparing a disaster bag consisting of necessary materials to be prepared for the first 72 hours after disasters, correct behaviors to be done during disasters and measures to be taken after disasters were discussed in detail.

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