16 July 2024 Tuesday

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

09.08.2023 Trademark and Patent Consultancy Office Received Full Marks from Aydın Commodity Exchange Members

09.08.2023 Trademark and Patent Consultancy Office Received Full Marks from Aydın Commodity Exchange Members

Aydın Commodity Exchange Trademark and Patent Consultancy Office, which was offered to the service of Aydın Commodity Exchange members in cooperation with Aydın Commodity Exchange and Ozener Trademark and Patent Consultancy Office, received full marks from the members.

Trademark and Patent Consultancy Office started its activities in order to ensure that the members of Aydın Commodity Exchange are informed about intellectual and industrial property and to have easy access to national and international legislation and all kinds of information and documents regarding patent utility models and industrial property rights that will emerge as a result of Research and Development activities.

Aydın Commodity Exchange Industrial Property Consultant Huriye Ozener and Project and Trademark Patent Responsible Emine Ceylan Ozdemir informed the members of Aydın Commodity Exchange about the trademark and patent application process in their bilateral meetings at the Trademark and Patent Consultancy Office. As a result of the meetings, a road map was determined regarding the companies' logo designs, label designs, domestic and international protection of their brands, commodity lists within the scope of goods/services available in the brand classes, licensing of their brands to third parties and well-known brand criteria.


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