17 July 2024 Wednesday

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

09.12.2022 Aydın Commodity Exchange Vice Speaker Ali Cevik Participated in ''Foods and Future Workshop in Turkey''

09.12.2022 Aydın Commodity Exchange Vice Speaker Ali Cevik Participated in ''Foods and Future Workshop in Turkey''

Vice Speaker of Aydın Commodity Exchange Ali Cevik participated in the ''Foods and Future Workshop in Turkey'' in co-operation with Turkish Food Innovation Platform-TUGIP, a project led by Aegean Exporters of Dry Fruits and Crops and the TUBITAK Marmara Research Center, as part of Turkey's largets food R&D and innovation project, which is being financed by European Union and Turkey.

Consultations were held in Turkey on th export, R&D and innovation strategies of products that lead the Turkish Dried Fruit Industry and Future Workshop. The status of the Dry Fruit Processing Industry, Problems and Proposals for Resolution were discussed in Turkey's Dry Fruit Industry.

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