17 July 2024 Wednesday

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

10.05.2023 Aydın Commodity Exchange Rewarded Aydın Commodity Exchange Science and Art Center Students Who Ranked 1st in TEKNOFEST Climate and Air Field

10.05.2023 Aydın Commodity Exchange Rewarded Aydın Commodity Exchange Science and Art Center Students Who Ranked 1st in TEKNOFEST Climate and Air Field

Aydın Commodity Exchange Assembly A. Bahri Erdel and Vice Chairman Cengiz Ulgen met with Aydın Commodity Exchange Science and Art Center students who came in the first at the TEKNOFEST Climate and Air Field with the 'Design and Implementation of the Software Enabling the Calculation and Comparison of Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Food Consumed by people in the field of Air and Climate.

Aydın Commodity Exchange Assembly Chairman A.Bahri Erdel, Vice Chairman Cengiz Ulgen, Aydın Provincial Director of National Education Seyfullah Okumus, Provincial Deputy Directors of National Education Sabri Acar, Mehmet Atay, Efeler District Director of National Education Hakan Ozcan, Aydın Commodity Exchange Science and Art Center students made a presentation about their projects and TEKNOFEST process.


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