17 July 2024 Wednesday

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

11.07.2023 Aydın Commodity Exchange Chairman Fevzi Condur Attended The Meeting of Business Acument Between Business World and University

11.07.2023 Aydın Commodity Exchange Chairman Fevzi Condur Attended The Meeting of  Business Acument Between Business World and University

At the meeting, consultations were held on Adnan Menderes University Teknokent's current work and local cooperation. Stating that they had a productive meeting regarding the cooperation between Aydın Adnan Menderes University and the business world, Aydın Commodity Exchange Chairman Fevzi Condur stated that the city has a significant potential in terms of cooperation between the university and the business world, and that they can take steps towards exemplary practices. Condur stated that they are ready to cooperate and support in all studies to be carried out to develop university-business world cooperation, as they have done so far.


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