17 July 2024 Wednesday

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

14.03.2023 A Visit From Aydın Commodity Exchange To Ankara

14.03.2023 A Visit From Aydın Commodity Exchange To Ankara

Aydın Commodity Exchnage Speaker of Assembly A.Bahri Erdel, Vice Chairman Cengiz Ulgen and Board Member Kazım Gunaydın came together within the scope of his visit to Ankara, they met with Doc. Durali Kocak, General Director of Food and Control the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry ofT.R. 

The management of Aydın Commodity Exchange, during Doc. Durali Kocak's visit, General Director of Food and Control of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Turkey Republic, stated that the activities of Aydın Commodity Exchange in particular. 



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