17 July 2024 Wednesday

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

15.02.2023 Aydın Commodity Exchange Chairman Fevzi Condur Participated to TOBB Chamber/Commodity Exchange Consultation Meeting

15.02.2023 Aydın Commodity Exchange Chairman Fevzi Condur Participated to TOBB Chamber/Commodity Exchange Consultation Meeting

Aydın Commodity Exchange Chairman Fevzi Condur participated to TOBB Chamber/Exchange Consultation Meeting, which the Minister of Commerce of Republic of Turkey Doc. Mehmet Mus and the president of 365 Chambers/Commodity Exchange organized under the chairmanship of Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey President M. Rıfat Hisarcıklıoglu. 


In the meeting where the aid delivered to the earthquake region was shared as business world, consultations were held on the work that could be done in line with the needs. Aydın Commodity Exchange Chairman Fevzi Condur said that Aydın Commodity Exchange, which shows great sensitivity about the aid, will continue to provide and support to the earthquake region in coordination with the support of the members under the leadership of the Union. 

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