17 July 2024 Wednesday

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

15.04.2022 A Courtesy Visit From Aydın Commodity Exchange to Istanbul Commodity Exchange

15.04.2022 A Courtesy Visit From Aydın Commodity Exchange to Istanbul Commodity Exchange

Aydın Commodity Exchange Parliament Speaker A. Bahri Erdel, Vice Chairman Cengiz Ulgen and Board Member Kazım Günaydın paid a courtesy visit to the Istanbul Commodity Exchange, which is sisters Commodity Exchange. 

Aydın Commodity Exchange Assembly Speaker A. Bahri Erde, Vice Chairman Cengiz Ulgen and Board Member Kazım Günaydın paid a courtesy visit to the Istanbul Commodity Exchange prior to the event. During the visit, Istanbul Commodity Exchange Chairman Ali Kopuz and Istanbul Commodity Exchange Chairman A. Bahri Erdel met with the management of Istanbul Commodity Exchnange, and Vice Chairman Cengiz Ülgen and Board Member Kazım Günaydın held consultations on the current work of Exchanges. 

After the visiting, Istanbul Commodity Exchange Chairman Ali Kopuz presented a gift to Aydın Commodity Exchange Assembly Speaker A. Bahri Erdel, Vice Chairman Cengiz Ülgen and Board Member Kazım Günaydın regarding the meaning and importance of the day. Soon after the visit, Aydın Commodity Exchange Parliament Speaker A. Bahri Erdel, Vice Chairman Cengiz Ülgen and Board Member Kazım Günaydın participated in the traditional iftar meal programme hosted by Istanbul Commodity Exchange. 



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