22 February 2025 Saturday
Milling Enterprises & YERLİM Products
When I was tasked with establishing a corporate farming structure for my family's agricultural land, I was still young and inexperienced in agriculture, but I relied on the learning and teaching education I received from the Institute I graduated from, as well as my desire to produce. In 1995, Gürsel Tonbul Farm Enterprise was established, marking the beginning of my transformation.
In a short time, I recognized the importance and value of settled agriculture (farming and food) in human life, encompassing soil, water, plants, animals, and food. The knowledge passed down to me from my grandparents during my childhood became my first guide on the path I chose. I had never received formal agricultural training. In the first few years, I watched with sadness and helplessness as we harmed not only the soil but also ourselves through the agricultural model being practiced on our lands. In the meantime, I researched alternative agricultural models and discovered organic farming.
I made the decision to transition to organic farming overnight and on my own. The first five years were extremely challenging and arduous. Everyone around me—my employees, family, friends, the soil, plants, trees, vineyards, and gardens—opposed this transition. The transformation was painful and difficult, but I never considered giving up.
“Organic farming” is a model defined by national and international conditions and rules, encompassing the entire production process from seed to the final product reaching the consumer. It is characterized by recorded and controlled stages, built on production and consumption balances, and the principle of sustainability, respecting the order of nature and all living beings, while promoting fair and sustainable life and fostering harmony among humans, animals, and plants. I firmly believed in this. As the fruits of those challenging years passed with this faith and determination yielded successful results, my courage and confidence grew.
In 2000, the Farm Enterprise began certified organic farming, and since then, it has been producing 100% organic products without interruption. In 2014, a decision was made to merge the farm enterprises that had previously operated under different names with the milling enterprises, and starting from the beginning of 2015, all our operations have continued as “Değirmen Eko Yatırım A.Ş.”
The land assets of the enterprise cover 2,000 decares. One-third of the land consists of olive groves, predominantly for oil production, with a portion allocated for table olives. An area of 150 decares is dedicated to vineyards. Especially during the spring and summer months, lush green vine covers stretch around you. In the orchards, a variety of fruits are predominantly grown, including citrus fruits, peaches, plums, apricots, quinces, pomegranates, figs, blackberries, almonds, and walnuts, as well as all fruit varieties that can be cultivated in the Aegean region. Seasonal production of a wide variety of vegetables and grains takes place in the fields.
Livestock farming is an essential component of organic agriculture. In our enterprise, we engage in certified disease-free cattle farming for both meat and milk production. Additionally, we raise a small herd of sheep produced from Chios lambs, known for their genetic origins in the Çeşme region, which has commercial value but remains produced in limited areas due to insufficient demand. This sheep herd is maintained to meet the needs of the farm from its own resources.
While milk and meat are significant productions for the farm, the livestock operation provides organic agriculture with its most valuable inputs solid and liquid fertilizers, which are the nutritional sources for our soil. We also raise free-range poultry that naturally reproduce. Alongside thoroughbred horses for riding at the farm, we care for ponies, donkeys, camels, and many other farm animals for children.
In a small pond, freely swimming swans, geese, and ducks add color to the farm, providing entertainment for children while also being part of the sustainable living model based on the natural balance established between plants, humans, and animals, benefiting all parties involved.
"Let your food be your medicine, and let your medicine be your food."