16 July 2024 Tuesday

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

19.01.2024 Aydın Commodity Exchange and Adana Commodity Exchange Held a Benchmarking Meeting

19.01.2024 Aydın Commodity Exchange and Adana Commodity Exchange Held a Benchmarking Meeting

Aydın Commodity Exchange and Adana Commodity Exchange held a benchmarking meeting within the scope of TOBB Accreditation System.

In the benchmarking meeting, mutual views were exchanged between units about human resources, quality and management systems, as well as good practices. Documentation Officer Tuğçe Çobanoglu, representing Aydın Commodity Exchange, attended the Benchmarking Meeting. Research, Development, Project and Quality Unit Supervisor, Doctor Kenan Boyacı, represented Adana Commodity Exchange.


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