17 July 2024 Wednesday

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

21.03.2023 ''Innovation in Branding and Marketing" Training at Aydın Commodity Exchange

21.03.2023 ''Innovation in Branding and Marketing

''Innovation in Branding and Marketing" project prepared by Aydın Commodity Exchange (ATB) was found successful and supported within the scope of 2022 Technical Asistance Program of the South Aegean Development Agency of the Republic of Turkey.

In the training, which was held as a video conference and consultancy service, Assoc. Prof. Murat Aktan informed that business models with neuro marketing content in the brand of the product, marketing processes, design content in brand and packaging, brand reliability to the company representatives. After 3 days of training, Aydın Commodity Exchange Project Officer Emine Ceylan and Instructor Assoc. Prof. Murat Aktan visited the companies participating in the training with the planned field work. During the visit, the branding and marketing strategies of the companies within the companies were analyzed and consultations were held on the company's achievements in branding and marketing. 



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