17 July 2024 Wednesday

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

23.11.2022 Aydın Provincial Directors Keep On With Well Wishing Visit To Chairman of Aydın Commodity Exchange Fevzi Çondur and His Management

23.11.2022 Aydın Provincial Directors Keep On With Well Wishing Visit To Chairman of Aydın Commodity Exchange Fevzi Çondur and His Management

Aydın Commodity Exchange  Chairman Fevzi Condur and his management hold to accept the good wishes of Aydın protocol.

Aydın Provincial Manager of Industry and Technology Hacı Ibrahim Bugdaycı, Aydın Provincial Manager Social Assistance and Solidarity Foundation Murat Bildik, Aydın Provincial Director of Youth and Sports Cenap Fillikcioglu, Aydın Provincial Director of Agriculture and Rural Development Support Institution Arzu Akar, Forestry Operation Directorate Mustafa Koruk, Aydın Vice Director of National Education Sabri Acer, GEKA  Aydın Investment and Support Agency Director Numan Katıksız and KOSGEB Provincial Director Sadullah Dulger paid a well-wishing visit to Aydın Commodity Exchange Chairman Fevzi Condur and his management. 

Chairman Fevzi Çondur stated that they carry out important projects with many institutions and organization in Aydın for the development of region and our country to increase export rates and local economy. Mr. Condur thanked Aydın Provincial Directors to their visit as well. 

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