17 July 2024 Wednesday

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

26.01.2023 Aydın Commodity Exchange Assembly A. Bahri Erdel and Vice Chairman Cengiz Ulgen visited General Director of Customs Mustafa Gumus in his office.

26.01.2023 Aydın Commodity Exchange Assembly A. Bahri Erdel and  Vice Chairman Cengiz Ulgen visited General Director of Customs Mustafa Gumus in his office.

Aydın Commodity Exchange Assembly A. Bahri Erdel, Vice Chairman Cengiz Ulgen and AK Party Aydın Deputy Mustafa Savas visited T.R Ministry of Commerce visited General Director of Customs Mustafa Gumus in his office. During the visit, consultations were held about 2nd Cold Storage Warehouse planned to be established in the eastern region of Aydın. 


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