17 July 2024 Wednesday

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

29.06.2022 Aydın Association of Journalists Visited Aydın Commodity Exchange

29.06.2022 Aydın Association of Journalists Visited Aydın Commodity Exchange

Ferdi Uzun Association of Journalists President and board members visited to Aydın Commodity Exchange.

Association of Journalists President Ferdi Uzun and accompanying delegation, coming together with A. Bahri Erdel Speaker of Aydın Commodity Exchange, Rıza Uyar Vice President of Assembly, Fevzi Condur Chairman and Cengiz Ulgen Vice Chairman explained their activities related to  Association of Journalists to the Board of Aydın Commodity Exchange.

During the visit, consultations were held on issues related to the activities and the matters at hand of Aydın Commodity Exchange. Fevzi Condur, Chairman of Aydın Commodity Exchange stated that it is really important to announce the demands and expectations of the members to the competent authorities and be covered in media. Mr. Condur was pleased by the visit which was conducted Chairman of Association of Journalists, Ferdi Uzun and members of board directors. 

The plaque was presented by Fevzi Çondur and Aydın Fig by Parliament Speaker A. Bahri Erdel. 


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