16 July 2024 Tuesday

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

29.09.2023 Work up to Buyuk Menderes Agriculture Products Licensed Warehousing Joint Stock Company

29.09.2023 Work up to Buyuk Menderes Agriculture Products Licensed Warehousing Joint Stock Company

Aydın Commodity Exchange Chairman of the Board of Directors Fevzi Condur, Chairman of the Assembly Ahmet Bahri Erdel, Deputy Chairman of the Assembly Rıza Uyar, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors Cengiz Ulgen, Assembly Members Mehmet Ali Avcu and Mehmet Akkan, Soke Commodity Exchange Chairman of the Board Ahmet Nejat Sagel and Licensed Warehouse Supervisor Turgay Mese Aydın Commodity Exchange visited the construction site of Buyuk Menderes Agricultural Products Licensed Warehousing incorparated company which will carry out its activities in partnership with Soke Commodity Exchange and İzmir Commodity Exchange.

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