16 July 2024 Tuesday

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

30.01.2024 Aydın Commodity Exchange Participated in the Sustainable Cotton Supply Chain Meeting

30.01.2024 Aydın Commodity Exchange Participated in the Sustainable Cotton Supply Chain Meeting

Aydın Commodity Exchange Assembly Chairman A.Bahri Erdel and Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors Cengiz Ulgen attended the Sustainable Cotton Supply Chain Meeting organized by the Good Cotton Practices Association (IPUD).

Good Cotton Practices Association (IPUD), which has been working for sustainability in cotton production for 10 years, discussed the transformation process of sustainable cotton production in Turkey and the world together with all stakeholders of the value chain.

Making a statement about the meeting, Aydın Commodity Exchange Assembly President A.Bahri Erdel stated that cotton production has a strategic importance in our country and that they will always take part in projects that will provide common benefit for all relevant parties of the sector.

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