16 July 2024 Tuesday

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

31.01.2024 The First Assembly Meeting of 2024 Was Held at Aydın Commodity Exchange

31.01.2024 The First Assembly Meeting of 2024 Was Held at Aydın Commodity Exchange

The first Stated Meeting of Aydın Commodity Exchange in 2024 was held under the chairmanship of Assembly President A. Bahri Erdel, with the participation of Chairman of the Board of Directors Fevzi Condur and council members.

Aydın Commodity Exchange Assembly President A. Bahri Erdel made the opening speech of the First Ordinary Assembly Meeting of 2024. 2023 was a difficult year for our country, I hope that 2024 will bring abundance and prosperity to our city and our country.

At the Aydın Commodity Exchange First Stated Assembly Meeting of 2024, a general evaluation of 2023 was made and consultations were held about the projects and studies planned to be implemented in 2024. Mr. Erdel stated that they worked devotedly for the development of the economy of Aydın province in 2023 and that these efforts will continue in 2024.



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