17 July 2024 Wednesday

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

9.02.2023 Holding to Heal the Wounds of Earthquake Victims with the Supports of Aydın Commodity Exchange, Aydın Chamber of Industry, Aydın ASTIM OIZ, Our Members and Aydın's public

9.02.2023 Holding to Heal the Wounds of Earthquake Victims with the Supports of Aydın Commodity Exchange, Aydın Chamber of Industry, Aydın ASTIM OIZ, Our Members and Aydın's public

The aid campaign launched by Aydın Commodity Exchange, Aydın Chamber of Industry and Aydın ASTIM OIZ to deliver the trucks to the earhquake victims.



The aid campaign holds after the earthquake disaster that affected 10 provinces with a magnitude of 7.7, the epicenter of which is Pazarcık district of Kahramanmaras. The 2nd truck prepared for the earthquake victims set off to Malatya and 3rd truck to Kahramanmaras.


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