09 March 2025 Sunday

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

Aydin Memecik Zeytini


''Aydın Memecik Zeytini'', had been applied to the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office with the application number C2018/082 on 26.07.2019 was registered with the institutions related to the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office on 07.05.2021.

Aydın itself produces Memecik Zeytini 17.6% of Turkey's table olive production. 47% of the olives produced in Aydın province belong to the Memecik variety.

Olives; it is defined in our Bible as a 'miracle that protects human health with its nutritional value'. It is very valuable for human health due to its anti-oxidant and nutritious properties. Memecik Zeytini contains 4 times more polyphenols than other olive species, these polyphenols are very useful for human health. Luteolin 7-glucocyte, routine, trans-synnamic acid, scianidine-3-glucocyte and scianidine-3-routineosite, which are phenolic components, are high in Aydın Memecik Zeytini. It is also very rich in a tocopherol (Vitamin E). It has anti-cancer properties. So it's kind of a drug.

Quality characteristics are a unique value for all of Turkey with the geographical features offered to it by Aydın province.

The climate characteristics of the region, soil structure and the suitability of the pH level, as well as the wealthy vegetation of the mountains surrounding this region, ensure that Aydın Memecik Zeytini has its own characteristics. In Aydın province, the land irrigated by the Menderes river and the land in the mountainous lands surrounding the north and south of the province are sufficient in terms of phosphorus and microelement contents; in addition, the winds of the east, which usually blow in the east in the morning and the light winds blowing from the west in the afternoon, increase the phenolic substances in the product. Luteolin-7-glucocyte, which is one of the phenolic components of olives, routine, trans-synnamic acid, scianidine-2-glucose and cyanonidine-3-routineosite amounts are high in Aydın Memecik Olive.

CLICK For Aydın Memecik Zeytini Geographical Sign Certificate 

Aydin Memecik Zeytini
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry