16 July 2024 Tuesday

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

Aydin Memecik Zeytinyağı


The application for the name of 'Aydın Memecik Zeytinyağı' was published in the bulletin dated 15.06.2020 with the application number C2018/025 to the Turkish Patent Institute on 04.03.2019. It has completed the 3-months appeal process and is registered with 535 registration numbers. 

The application for the Geographical Sing of Aydın Commodity Exchange 'Aydın Memecik Zeytinyağı' was registered on 17.09.2020 for protection as of 04.03.2019 within the scope of Industrial Property Law no. 6769.

Aydın Memecik Zeytinyağı, published in Official Journal of the European Commission dated February 5th, 2024 and numbered 2024/00445 before European Union, has been registered as Turkey's 20th PDO.


CLICK for Aydın Memecik Zeytinyağı Certificate 

CLICK for Aydın Memecik Zeytinyağı Protected Designation of Origin

CLICK for Aydın Memecik Zeytinyağı EU Official Gazette

Aydin Memecik Zeytinyağı
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