22 February 2025 Saturday
Turkish Patent and Trademark Institution, according to the Industrial Property Law, the brand, the goods or services of an enterprise from the property or services of other undertakings, and the protection provided to the brand owner, provided that the subject can be shown in a register to ensure that the subject is clearly and precisely understood, the words, shapes, colors, letters, numbers, sounds, and all kinds of signs of goods or packaging.
Aydın Commodity Exchange, which aims to pioneer its members on national and international industrial property (brand, patent and design) registration issues, is based on the necessary information on brand/patent/utility model/design issues and periodically based on the provision of trainings and consultancy on industrial property rights.
In line with the company meetings held or planned to be held every month, in cooperation with Özener Patent and in the building of Aydın Commodity Exchange; Preliminary research of the trademark before application, information at the application and post-registration objection/decision stages of the trademark, legal rights of trademark owners arising from registration, preliminary research on design (packaging, label) before application, information at the design application and post-registration objection/decision stages, product put on the market. Services are provided on trademark examination and improvement, foreign trademark applications and examinations, patent/utility model issues.
In line with the appointments made within the framework of a certain plan every month; It is planned to prepare a separate written report on the subject of business, after the members of Commodity Exchange are informed verbally in accordance with the relevant provisions of the SMK No. 6769 regarding the registration in accordance with the legislative provisions regarding patent, utility model, trademark and design.
To get information about the details for Brand Patent and Consultancy Service:
Mail: emineceylan@aydinticaretborsası.org.tr
Contact: 0256 211 50 00/111